Are you looking for a way to manage the chaos in the world or in your life?

Experience the transformative power of compassionate energy healing and intuitive Spiritual Counseling.

I’ll support you in identifying and healing the roots of the challenges you face in a holistic approach.

Through energy healing, you’ll release blocks, feel deep relaxation, and experience subtle yet profound healing. Spiritual Counseling enhances the experience by assisting you in recognizing the underlying causes of your challenges. This opens the way for a greater awareness and expression of your Authentic Self.  

Join me for a journey to unleash your true potential through Spiritual Healing, and Counseling.

For more information on each practice, click “Learn More” to the right.

Set up an appointment for:

  • Healing of the body, mind, and soul.

  • embodied awareness of the energy of life.

  • Realization of your true potential.

  • Greater expression of your authentic self.


Thank you, Don. You have been most helpful in teaching me to walk this journey through some of the darkest moments of my life. I appreciate it more than words can express.
— JJ


“Quantum theories suggest that the universe and our bodies are made of ever-changing fields of energy.” - Gregg Braden

Spiritual Healing

Everything is energy. I’ll work with you on a non-physical level to increase the Universal Life Force in your life.

“The goal of Spiritual Direction is spiritual formation - the ever increasing capacity to live a spiritual life from the heart.” - Henry Nouwen

Spiritual Counseling

With a compassionate and gentle presence, I create an environment where you can heal the pains of the past, explore your spiritual nature, and discover your unique place in the universe.

“When we open to the vastness of the universe within us, we have access to our true power and potential.” - Don Foster

About Don

I grew up in a small town in Connecticut and I taught myself to meditate by sitting in the woods next to a river.  I continue to carry the river within me. The Peaceful River - Holistic Healing is my effort to bring you the spiritual lessons I learned from life and many spiritual paths.

Book an Appointment


MysticMag interview

The Authentic Self is that part of us that is perfect and unlimited and eternal. Some call it God Consciousness, or The Christ Self, the Higher Self or the Buddha Nature. It is the pure spiritual aspect of us that connects us with All That Is - God.

 Accessing the Authentic Self requires continually developing your thinking about yourself